What Does God Want From Us?

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The Question That Drives Us All

What does God want from us? This fundamental question has driven humankind for millennia as we seek meaning and purpose. In his book "What Does God Want?", biblical scholar Michael S. Heiser tackles this question head-on, providing insights into God's nature and will.

As an academic expert in ancient languages and biblical theology, Heiser is uniquely qualified to explore this topic in-depth.

By examining key Hebrew and Greek words and passages, Heiser unveils a pattern through scripture revealing God's ultimate purpose - the recreation and restoration of Eden on a universal scale. God wants to dwell with us as he once dwelled with Adam and Eve.

Oh! How He Loves Us

Heiser explains how the tabernacle and temples of the Old Testament point toward this truth. These structures were designed as the habitation of God's presence on earth. Through them, God sought to live among his people as in Eden.

However, human sin continually blocking God's presence, necessitating Christ's redemptive work to become the fulfillment of the temple. Through faith in Christ's sacrifice, God can finally have an unbroken dwelling with people through the gift of the Holy Spirit.

The almighty, sovereign God, humbled Himself to be like us, walk with us, talk with us, and die an excrutiating death. Just so He can live with us forever. He really did not have to do this. There are so many other choices of which most of us would have taken, but Jesus took the hardest path to keep his word. Oh! How He loves us!

The Clone Army and the Hive

To explore what else God may want, Heiser analyzes the intriguing divine council described in certain Old Testament passages. This group of spiritual beings serves and carries out God's will in the heavenly realm. The divine counsel is covered extensively in his book The Unseen Realm and here in this article.

Heiser posits that these “sons” of God's are spiritual beings operate like a well-organized, celestial army fulfilling God's purposes under his authority.

Astoundingly, Heiser suggests that God is now drafting believers in Christ into his imperial hive through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. As his divine council mediated his will in the spirit realm, God wants Christians to represent him in carrying out his will on earth.

The Mission behind Our Existence

So what is God's will that he wants accomplished?

  1. The proclamation of God’s glory and name across the earth.

  2. The redemption and salvation of humankind from sin and death.

  3. The restoration of God’s reign over the whole earth.

  4. The dwelling of God with his people in the new Eden.

All four align with God's original purpose for humanity to bear his image by reflecting who he is. This constitutes the mission behind our very existence. As we walk in relationship with God, we will intuitively advance these cosmic purposes he wants to achieve.

A Must-Read Volume

In a time when many question traditional faith, Heiser's academic expertise lends rare credibility. This thoroughly-researched yet highly-readable work provides satisfying answers about God's intent.

What Does God Want represents a must-read volume for Christians seeking to understand their purpose and goal. It provides priceless perspective for orienting one's life around what matters most to our Creator and what was done to save our lives.

This book makes clear that what God wants is relationship. He wants to restore the intimate fellowship with humanity forfeited after Eden. Through Christ, God empowers us to partner with him in transforming the world to reflect his ideals. Embracing this divine calling gives our lives deeper meaning and direction.

The bottom line? What does God want? More than anything else - you and me.

Stacey C.

Stacey is a Jamaican American writer hailing from New York and now flourishing in Houston, Texas. She is the creative force behind the podcast, "Faith Amplified with Stacey," where she melds her passion for Christian spirituality, culture and podcasting. With an ultimate goal of using her talents to spread the gospel, Stacey’s writings offer deep insights into faith, discipleship for women, and the mechanics of starting a podcast.


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